France will welcome the XIXth Francophonie Summit.

A first in 33 years.


The Summit in short

Villers-Cotterêts Summit / YouTube

Film Sommet de Villers-Cotterêts

Opening in Paris this morning of the Francophonie Summit. 50 countries, some 30…


A first in the last 33 years

Global French: a global language, with 320 million speakers and 150 million learners.

Villers-Cotterêts, Cité internationale de la Langue Française

Paris, Grand Palais

4 and 5 October 2024

88 States and Governments

Create, innovate and do business in French.

2024 will be a year of pride in the French language

The Summit will be a major event in political, economic, digital and cultural terms and a high point of 2024 in France, alongside the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the 80th anniversary of the Allied Landings and the Liberation, and the re-opening of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.

4 and 5

October 2024

Around 100 delegations

from States and Governments

2 venues

Villers-Cotterêts and Paris

Summit theme

Create, innovate and do business in French

Francophonie Festival

Making a Better World

The Festival is an opportunity to discover all facets of Francophone creativity, in the artistic, cultural and business fields. The event, open to the widest possible audience, celebrates a vibrant, open Francophonie embodied by people from across the globe, particularly the young.

Visit the Festival site
Man using a digital screen at the Cité Internationale de la Langue Française.

Francophonie : a language and an institution

First and foremost, Francophonie is about men and women who share a language: French.

The jeu de paume courtyard at the Cité Internationale de la Langue Française

International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF)

The OIF was founded in 1970 and has 88-member, associate and observer States and Governments. The organization is dedicated to promoting the French language and political, educational, economic and cultural cooperation.

Find out more about the OIF


States and Governments

320 millions

French speakers worldwide

150 millions

French leaners


most widespread language on the Internet